When Coronel needed them most due to his DVT (Contagious Genital Tumor) disease, they left him on the street and never opened their hearts to him again. I hoped he would love me, but every time his health deteriorated until the Foundation saved him from death and provided him with the best family he could have.
The Colonel was perishin outside his home.
Casinos 911, Maber, Chairman of the AC Foundation. While working in Villahermosa, Mexico, he learned of a dog who was very ill, had DVT, was bleeding, injured, and was unhappy. He would have gone over the rainbow if he had had a few more days, but it wasn't the time.
He was so devoted that after they learned that his family had taken him away, they treated him with contempt, but until the redeeming angels brought him out, the neighbors gave him a meal. I kept giving.
He had his family, but they left him there when he got sick. Maber explained.
When he was checked in, he had severe DVT, so he began stabilizing his platelets and giving him proper nutrition before starting his chemotherapy regimen. , began to pamper him like a child, even though he was badly injured and unhappy. He was in therapy for a long time. They took him on a chemotherapy regimen and thanks to his doctors' efforts he made progress, he now seemed less depressed and more optimistic. His expression had changed.
Coronel comes from an ideal family.
After much pain and suffering, he was finally able to end this condition. He was already healthy and grateful to start his new life. His suffering disappeared as soon as he caught a glimpse of the ideal owner, the destined family he had long awaited.
He now lives a loving and caring life and he teaches me how to swim as I take him on adventures. Hardly a day goes by without being showered with kisses and hugs from his focused family.