The Dog Is Adopted By John Travolta Bring Jamie Lee Curtis To The Oscars

 The 2022 Oscars have received a lot of attention, but sadly, many people appear to have forgotten about a beautiful Jamie Lee Curtis-related occasion. A small rescue dog named Mac & Cheese was with the actress when she took the stage for a Betty White homage.

Betty White was a strong supporter of animals, so Curtis took use of the opportunity to urge more people to adopt dogs in need like Mac & Cheese. She had no idea that while she was backstage, someone had already fallen in love with the rescue dog. Sometimes the ideal dog for you comes up unexpectedly!

A Heartfelt Oscars Moment

Curtis was pleased to pay tribute to the late Betty White. The legendary actress passed away not long before turning 100, yet her contributions to animal welfare continue today. In her honor, numerous people have adopted pets and donated to animals in need. Therefore, while holding Mac & Cheese on stage, Curtis spoke about White's passion for rescuing animals.

She was a woman who showed such love and care for animals like this day in and day out for nearly a century, according to Curtis. This means that the best gift you could give Betty White is to adopt a rescue dog like Mac & Cheese from Paw Works, a charitable organization.

Curtis uploaded numerous pictures of her with Mac & Cheese all through the evening. But she also included a touching image of John Travolta holding the tiny pooch at one point. Just before he presented the best actor prize, he had the opportunity to meet her. Curtis had no idea that the encounter would result in the dog finding a forever home.

The ideal home is found for Mac and Cheese!
Curtis revealed that Travolta and his kid had chosen to adopt Mac & Cheese the day after the Oscars were broadcast. Both Travolta and she shared a picture of the dog with her new family. Curtis claimed that this adoption is the ideal illustration of what White would have preferred.

“I thought it was so beautiful to see him with her, and then today I found out that he and his son, Ben, have adopted beautiful little Mac & Cheese and are taking her home today. It is an emotional end and a perfect tribute to Betty White,” Curtis wrote on Instagram.

Mac & Cheese will join Travolta's other two pets, a cat named Crystal and a Poodle mix named Jinx. Although she is one lucky puppy, there are still millions of abandoned animals worldwide. Thus, if you want to memorialize Betty White, think about adopting a homeless animal. If you can't do that, there are still plenty of ways you can help, including fostering, volunteering, giving, and spreading the word.

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