Although his mother bit him, he is at his happiest now. Discover the history of the ugliest dog in the world

 Each animal has unique characteristics that distinguish it from the others and give it a sense of self. Each animal has its own unique beauty.

Newt, a puppy, is renowned for having a "grumpy old man" expression on his face due to a huge scar his mother gave him at birth. She bit his face when he was a cub, and he lost the whole top of his snout to him.

His original owners sent him to the New York Bully Crew shelter in Texas, USA, due to the hefty cost of his medical treatment, but as one door shuts, another one opens. That is how Newt's adoptive mother, Liesl Wildhart, assisted him in finding a new home.

Liesl established Luvable Dog Rescue and Animal Sanctuary, a place where rescued dogs can be adopted. The first thing the woman did was rename her dog, calling him Newt instead of Brute. The puppy was subsequently transported with her to her house in Eugene, Oregon, in the United States (USA).

Social internet helped Liesl find Newt, and as soon as she saw him, she wanted to adopt him. They uploaded his images and videos to her Instagram account. I initially became aware of it there and thought it was neat. The billionaire told Metro that he wanted to adopt Newt as a companion dog.

Two of Newt's dog brothers, Picasso and Wacku, formerly resided with Liesl. In addition, he maintains an Instagram account where you may view images from their shared excursions.

Although it took him a while to get used to the changes, he now enjoys a happy, fulfilling life with his owner and the other puppies. He had facial surgery that altered the appearance of his face, giving him the nickname "grumpy old person" on social media. He now resembles an amphibian.

His owner is constantly there for him, so even if he requires help with some things, like eating, it's not an issue. He struggles to put food in his mouth, and you shouldn't let him eat a lot at once because he will spit it out, Liesl told Metro. She explained, "I have to feed him by hand everything he eats.

Both of Newt's siblings and him have facial malformations. Wacku is lacking his snout, while Picasso's face is warped. "We all got along with Newt right away, and he was a fantastic fit for my family of dogs. According to Liesl, who talked to the same outlet, he is incredibly lively and silly like a typical puppy, but he's also intelligent and considerate of the other dogs.

Dogs like her own, when given a home, "don't feel sorry for themselves or ponder what they've lost," as Newt's owner said in the interview.

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